Alright, so ya wanna know ’bout this Amanda Balionis girl, huh? Whether she got the boot or not? Well, lemme tell ya what I heard, the way I understand it, mind you, I ain’t no fancy news person or nothin’.
Did Amanda Balionis get fired? That’s the big question, ain’t it? Folks been whisperin’ and gossiping somethin’ fierce. From what I gather, it ain’t so clear-cut. See, some folks are sayin’ she got fired, flat out. Like, “You’re outta here!” But then others are sayin’ it’s more complicated than that.

I heard tell she’s been with CBS Sports for a good while now, since, what, 2017? And she’s been on TV talkin’ ’bout golf, them Masters tournaments and such. Seems like she was doin’ alright, ya know? Earnin’ a decent livin’, they say. Somethin’ between forty thousand and a hundred and forty thousand dollars a year. That’s a whole lotta money to me, I tell ya!
Now, they’re sayin’ she’s worth ’bout a million dollars. A whole dang million! Can ya believe it? That girl musta worked her tail off. She started out at the PGA Tour, then went to Callaway Golf, and finally landed that job at CBS. Sounded like she was climbin’ the ladder, doin’ good for herself.
But then things got all shook up. I heard there was some kinda “heart-shattering events,” somethin’ real sad happened. And after that, Amanda, she put up a message, sayin’ goodbye to the 2024 golf season. Said she was movin’ on to a “next chapter.” Now, that could mean anythin’, couldn’t it?
- Maybe she quit on her own.
- Maybe they let her go.
- Maybe somethin’ else entirely happened.
See, that’s the trouble with listenin’ to gossip. You never get the whole story straight. Folks like to talk, they like to make things sound more excitin’ than they are. But what I’m hearin’ is that she ain’t gonna be on TV talkin’ ’bout golf no more, at least not for CBS.
What’s going on with Amanda Balionis? That’s what everybody’s wonderin’. Some folks online, they’re callin’ it a “stunning development.” Sayin’ the whole golf world is shocked. Well, I ain’t no golf expert, but it does seem kinda sudden, don’t it? One minute she’s there, the next she’s gone. Just like that.
Some folks are sayin’ maybe there was some kinda fight, some kinda disagreement. Maybe she didn’t see eye-to-eye with her bosses. Or maybe, and this is just me thinkin’ out loud, maybe she just got tired of it all. Tired of travelin’, tired of bein’ on TV, tired of all the fuss. Maybe she just wanted to go home and raise chickens or somethin’. You know, live a quiet life.
I tell ya, bein’ on TV ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Sure, the money’s good, but you gotta be on all the time, always lookin’ your best, always sayin’ the right thing. It’s a lot of pressure, I reckon. And who knows what kinda stuff happens behind the scenes? We only see what they want us to see, right?
So, did Amanda Balionis get fired? I still ain’t sure. Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t. But one thing’s for certain, she ain’t workin’ for CBS no more. And that’s the end of that story, as far as I know. Maybe she’ll turn up somewhere else, doin’ somethin’ different. Maybe she’ll write a book or start a business or just disappear altogether. Who knows? Life’s funny that way, ain’t it? One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re… well, you ain’t. And that’s all there is to it.
But I tell ya what, that girl, she seemed like a hard worker. And she always spoke so nice and polite on TV. So, whatever happened, I hope she’s happy. That’s all that really matters in the end, ain’t it? Bein’ happy and doin’ what you love. Even if it ain’t talkin’ ‘bout golf on the TV no more.
And as for CBS, well, they’ll find someone else, I reckon. There’s always someone else waitin’ in the wings, ready to step in. That’s just the way the world works. But it’s a shame, though. I liked that Amanda girl. She seemed like a good egg.
Anyway, that’s all I got to say about it. Don’t go quotin’ me on nothin’, ya hear? ‘Cause I’m just tellin’ ya what I heard, what I picked up here and there. And like I said, I ain’t no news reporter. Just an old woman with too much time on her hands, listenin’ to the wind blow and the gossip fly.
Tags: [Amanda Balionis, CBS Sports, Golf Reporter, Fired, Resigned, 2024 Golf Season]