Okay, so I decided to go fishing in Stardew Valley. I was going after a red snapper, which I’d heard was a bit tricky to catch. I knew I needed it for the Ocean Fish Bundle at the Community Center, so I was pretty determined.
First off, I had to wait for a rainy day. That was the most annoying part, honestly. I just kept checking the weather forecast on my TV in the game. Finally, a rainy day showed up during summer.
- Get the timing right: I made sure it was between 6 AM and 7 PM in the game, that’s when these red snappers are supposed to show up.
- Head to the ocean: I grabbed my fishing rod and headed to the beach, south of town.
I cast my line into the ocean, over and over again. I used some bait to increase my chances, which I think helped a bit. It took a while, and I caught a bunch of other fish in the process, but I was just waiting for that red snapper.
Finally, I felt a different kind of tug on the line. It was definitely a red snapper! It was a bit of a fight to reel it in, but I managed to land it. Got it! I was pretty stoked, I won’t lie.
That’s how I caught my red snapper
I took it straight to the Community Center and added it to the Ocean Fish Bundle. One step closer to completing that thing! I also sold a few to Pierre at his shop, which gave me some decent cash. They’re not super valuable, but every little bit helps, right?
Anyway, that was my adventure catching a red snapper in Stardew Valley. It’s not as easy as some other fish, but if you’re patient and wait for the right conditions, you’ll get one eventually. Happy fishing, everyone!