Paulo Costa and His Lady, You Know, the One He’s Always With
Alright, so you wanna know about this Paulo Costa fella and his girl? Folks keep askin’, so I guess I’ll spill what I know. He’s one of them fighting fellas, you know, the ones that punch and kick each other on the TV. They call it “UFC” or somethin’. He’s got a girl, been with her a good long while, it seems.

Her name’s Tamara Alves. Don’t know much about where she comes from or what she did before, but she’s always there, you know, on his, what do you call it… “socials”? Yeah, them internet picture things. He puts up photos of them together, so she must be important to him.
Paulo, they call him “Borrachinha” or something like that. Sounds like a foreign word, don’t it? Means “little rubber” in some other language. His brother gave him that name, imagine that! Guess he was all bendy and stretchy like a rubber band when he was younger. But Paulo, he didn’t much like that, so he changed it to “The Eraser.” Sounds tougher, don’t it? Like he can wipe you right off the map!
- Paulo Costa’s girl: Tamara Alves
- What she does: Got her own business, sells them pills and things for folks to get strong and healthy. Calls it “MundoFit,” whatever that means.
- How long they been together: A good while, like I said. Seems like they’re pretty serious.
Paulo, he weren’t born with no silver spoon in his mouth, that’s for sure. His daddy, Carlos Roberto, did odd jobs here and there to make a living. His mama, Maria Augusta, she took care of the home. They had another boy, older than Paulo, also named Carlos. See, just regular folks, like you and me. But Paulo, he went and made something of himself, fighting and all. And Tamara, she seems to have done alright for herself too, with her own business.
You see pictures of them together, they look happy enough. Sometimes he’s all serious, you know, like he’s about to go fight somebody. Other times, he’s smiling, arm around her. They seem like a good match, I guess. He fights, she sells her vitamins, and they both live their lives. It’s the way things go, ain’t it? People find each other, stick together.
He posts a lot about her online. I reckon that’s how these young folks do things these days. Sharing their whole lives for everyone to see. Back in my day, you kept things private. But hey, times change, I guess. He seems proud of her, though, always showin’ her off. And she seems proud of him too, always cheerin’ him on, from what I can tell.
So there you have it. That’s all I know about Paulo Costa and his lady. He’s a fighter, she sells stuff to make you healthy, and they seem to be in love. What more is there to say? They’re just people, living their lives, same as the rest of us. Just happens that one of them punches folks for a living and the other one tries to make them healthier.

More about Paulo, cause folks keep askin’
Paulo’s from Brazil, you know, that far-off place where they speak that different language. He come from a regular family, like I said, nothin’ fancy. His daddy worked hard, his mama kept the house clean, and they raised their boys the best they could. Paulo, he found his way into fighting, and he’s good at it, that’s for sure. He’s strong, tough, and he knows how to throw a punch. And that’s about it. Don’t know why folks are so interested in him and his lady friend, but that’s their business I guess.
And Tamara, well, she’s got her own thing goin’ on, that MundoFit business. Seems like she’s doing alright for herself, too. Independent woman, you know? Good for her, I say. She’s not just sittin’ around waitin’ for Paulo to come home, she’s makin’ her own way in the world.
So there you go, that’s the story of Paulo Costa, “The Eraser” and his girl, Tamara Alves. They found each other, and they seem happy. And that’s all that matters, ain’t it? Now, go on, get outta here. You got all your answers, I got things to do.