Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Jaz Agassi girl. You know, the one whose daddy, Andre Agassi, and mama, Steffi Graf, they whacked them tennis balls real good back in the day. Folks say they were somethin’ special, them two.
Now, Jaz, she ain’t no tennis player like her folks. Nope. This girl, she likes to dance. Yeah, you heard me right, dance! Twirlin’ and movin’ like a leaf in the wind, I reckon. And horses, she loves them too. Ridin’ ’em, pettin’ ’em, prob’ly talkin’ to ’em too, for all I know. Kids these days, they got their own ways, ya know?

- Her daddy, Andre, he was a big shot. Won all sorts of trophies, they say.
- Her mama, Steffi, she was no slouch neither. Tough as nails on the court, that one.
But Jaz, she’s different. She ain’t followin’ in their footsteps, not exactly. She’s got her own path, her own way of doin’ things. And that’s just fine, I say. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with bein’ different. Makes the world a more interestin’ place, don’t it?
I seen some pictures of her on that… whatchamacallit… Inter-web thingy. Yeah, that’s it. Instagram, they call it. She’s always smilin’, that Jaz. And out in the sunshine, mostly. Ridin’ them horses, or dancin’ around. Seems like a happy girl, livin’ her life the way she wants to. And that’s the most important thing, ain’t it? Bein’ happy.
Her daddy, he won all them big tournaments. Wimbledon, the Australian Open, the French Open, the U.S. Open… sounded like a lot of travelin’ to me. He even won ‘em all at least once, they call that a “career Grand Slam,” fancy name for sure. But Jaz, she’s got her own kinda “grand slam,” I guess. A grand slam of dancin’ and horseridin’ and bein’ happy. And that’s good enough for me, and it ought to be good enough for anyone else, too.
Now, I don’t know much about tennis, to be honest. Never played a lick of it myself. But I know a good person when I see one. And from what I can tell, Jaz Agassi, she’s a good person. Kind, happy, and doin’ her own thing. That’s all that matters in this world, I reckon.
So, next time you hear about them Agassi folks, don’t just think about tennis. Think about Jaz, too. The dancer, the horse lover, the happy girl. She’s part of that story too, ya know? And maybe, just maybe, her story is even more important than all them tennis trophies. Cause at the end of the day, it ain’t about how many balls you hit over a net. It’s about how much happiness you find in your life, and it looks like Jaz done found herself a whole heap of it.
And that, my friends, is somethin’ worth talkin’ about. More than them tennis matches, that’s for sure. Life’s too short to be doin’ somethin’ you don’t love. Jaz, she figured that out, seems like. Good for her, I say. Good for her.

Tags: [Jaz Agassi, Andre Agassi, Steffi Graf, Tennis, Family, Dance, Horses, Lifestyle]