Alright, let’s talk about this Pokey-man X and Y thing. My grandkids, they love it. Always yappin’ about breedin’ and perfect this and that. Sounds like a whole lotta hogwash to me, but they say it makes their Pokey-mans stronger, so who am I to judge?
So, from what I gather, this breedin’ business is all about gettin’ them Pokey-mans with good “eye-vees” or somethin’. Sounds like somethin’ the doctor checks, but no, it’s about stats, whatever them are. These eye-vees, they make your Pokey-man better at fightin’, I guess. Like, some are faster, some hit harder, you get the picture.

Now, how do you get good eye-vees? Well, it ain’t easy, I tell you. It used to be a real pain, they say. Like tryin’ to catch a greased piglet. But in this X and Y thing, they made it a bit simpler. Still sounds complicated to me, though.
- First off, you gotta get yourself some Pokey-mans to breed. Seems like any two can do it, but you want the ones with good eye-vees already.
- Then, you gotta put ’em in that daycare thing. You know, the place where they take care of your Pokey-mans while you’re out gallivantin’.
- And then, you wait. And wait some more. And eventually, you get an egg. Like a chicken egg, but with a Pokey-man inside.
Now, this egg, it might have better eye-vees than the parents, or it might not. It’s all a big gamble, like playin’ the lottery. But there are ways to make the odds better, they say.
One thing is this “Destiny Knot” thingy. Sounds like somethin’ you tie on a weddin’ dress, but no, it makes the babies inherit more eye-vees from their parents. So, if you got two Pokey-mans with good eye-vees, the baby is more likely to get them too.
Another thing is them “Tera Raid battles.” Now, these are some tough fights, they say. But if you win, you can catch Pokey-mans with good eye-vees already. Especially them five-star and six-star ones. Guaranteed to have good eye-vees, or somethin’ like that. Sounds like a shortcut to me, but I ain’t complainin’.
And then there’s this “Ditto” creature. It’s like a jelly blob, but it can breed with any Pokey-man. Handy, I guess, if you ain’t got a male and female of the same kind. You can use it to pass down them good eye-vees too. Just gotta keep switchin’ Dittos until you get all the eye-vees you want. Sounds like a whole lotta fuss to me.
They also talk about “egg moves” and “natures” and “abilities.” More stuff to worry about, I reckon. Egg moves are special moves the baby can learn, and natures make them better at certain things. And abilities, well, they’re special powers, I guess. It’s all a bit much, if you ask me.

But the young’uns, they seem to enjoy it. Spendin’ hours breedin’ Pokey-mans and tryin’ to get the perfect ones. I don’t get it, but hey, as long as they’re havin’ fun, right? Just seems like a whole lotta work for some imaginary creatures, if you ask me. But what do I know? I’m just an old woman.
So, to sum it up, this Pokey-man breedin’ is all about gettin’ them good eye-vees. You do that by breedin’ Pokey-mans with good eye-vees already, usin’ things like Destiny Knot, and doin’ them Tera Raid battles. And don’t forget about them Dittos. They’re helpful, apparently. And there’s egg moves, natures, and abilities too, but don’t worry about them too much. Just focus on gettin’ them good eye-vees, and you’ll be fine. Or so they say.
Anyway, that’s the gist of it, as far as I can tell. It’s all a bit confusing, but if them kids can do it, I guess it can’t be too hard. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about Pokey-mans has made me hungry.
Tags: [Pokemon X and Y, Pokemon Breeding, IVs, Breeding Guide, Pokemon Stats, Destiny Knot, Tera Raid Battles, Ditto]