Okay, so I’ve been messing around with Colette in Brawl Stars, trying to figure out the absolute best way to play her. I’ve watched some videos, read some guides, but mostly, I just jumped in and started playing – a lot. Here’s what I’ve learned, and what’s been working really well for me.
Getting Started: My Initial Struggles
First off, Colette is WEIRD. Her main attack does a percentage of the enemy’s current health, which means she’s amazing against tanks, but kinda weak against low-health brawlers. My first few games, I was all over the place. I’d get a tank down to low health super fast, then struggle to finish them off. Or, I’d waste my super on a low-health enemy and barely do any damage. It was frustrating!

Figuring Out the Attack Pattern
So, I started paying really close attention to how much damage I was doing. It’s all about the combo. The basic attack, basic attack, super, basic attack. that seemed to work pretty good. I realized you gotta use her main attack to chunk them down, then use the super to either finish them off, or, more often, charge through them and back, dealing damage both ways. Then i was hitting them twice, getting them low enough for a final shot or two.
Choosing the Right Gadget and Star Power.
I then went to try her gadgets, The first one, Na-ah, seemed pretty good at first. I tried using it with a full attack combo and it pretty much destroyed anyone.
- Na-ah:So basically, her next shot would do 37% no matter what.
I equipped both and went to go play some matches!
Putting It All Together: My “Best Build”
After a bunch of experimenting, here’s the build I’m sticking with, and why:
- Gadget: Na-ah.
I felt that that this star power and gadget worked perfectly in sync.
Gameplay Tips I Learned the Hard Way
- Don’t be afraid to use your super to escape! It’s not just for attacking. If you’re getting overwhelmed, that dash can save your life.
- Target selection is KEY. Focus on the high-health brawlers first. Let your teammates deal with the squishier ones.
- Practice the combo! Seriously, go into the training cave and just practice hitting that basic-basic-super-basic rhythm. It makes a HUGE difference.
- Patience, young padawan. Colette isn’t about burst damage. She’s about wearing enemies down. Don’t get greedy!
This is what’s working for me right now. Brawl Stars is always changing, so I might have to tweak things later, but for now, this Colette build is letting me rack up the wins. Go try it out, and let me know what you think! Good luck, and happy brawling!