So, today I tried to deal with that “[The Flowers that Won’t Grow]” quest. You know, the one with Gurgen.
I ran over to Gurgen’s place first. It’s my fourth time doing this, can you believe it? He gave me his usual speech, handed over the stuff I needed to deliver, and I took off to deliver his medications. No big deal, done that before, easy peasy.

After I finished with the delivery, I headed back to Gurgen’s field. Time to get my hands dirty. I started pulling out those weeds. Man, there were a lot of them! I bent down, grabbed each weed, and yanked them out. It took a while, and my back started to ache a bit, but I kept going.
I made sure to get every single weed out. I checked around a few times to make sure I didn’t miss any. Can’t have those things growing back, right?
Once the field was all clear, I went back to Gurgen for another chat. He seemed pretty happy about the weed situation. We talked for a bit, and that was it.
Honestly, it wasn’t that hard, just a bit tiring. It’s one of those things you just gotta do. I’m just glad I could help the guy out.